Tel: 01270 585409         e mail :


Crewe,  Cheshire

Cabinet Maker

Altar rail made out of solid Oak Size; 15ft long 2ft high Folding Altar table made out of solid Oak Size; The top is 48 x 30ins when open, 37ins high, It is only 8ins wide when folded This church  candlestick Is made out of  solid Oak Size; 48ins high Church Screen  Made out of solid Oak  and Oak veneered MDF Size; 138ins high,  36ins wide Lectern made out of solid Oak with  a stained finish Size; 26 x 4ins, 36ins high Church cupboard made out of Solid Oak Size; 40 x 30ins, 6½ ins deep Hyme board made out of Oak Size; 34 x 14ins Cupboard with display case i n the top,  made out of Oak and Oak veneered  Blockboard Size; 38 x 25ins, 38ins high Collection bowl made out of Sapele Size; 10ins across, 2½ ins thick

If you are thinking of having something made for your church or chapel

please give me a ring or e-mail, I’ll be pleased to discuss it with you

and give you a quote for your requirements   

Please click on photo to enlarg enlarge

Lectern made out  of Sapele Size; 23 x 16ins 48ins high